
From cgiarictroadmaplocationstrategy ilriwikis

Welcome to the CGIAR ICT Road Map - Location Strategy wiki

This space is to help us consolidate our ideas and thoughts around the Location Strategy for the future of ICT in the CGIAR. Just brainstorm and post ALL your ideas which we will then filterr and expand at a later date. I've created a few sub-headings to help organise the ideas but if your thoughts don't fit with these just create your own headings and add whatever you want.We'll then have a series of virtual meetings where we can explain our ideas to the rest of the team and then each of us can add more information.

Idea generation for ICT Roadmap: thoughts on Brainstorming Sessions

Where do we Work and Who Hosts us?

What Work do we do?

What ICT tools and resources do we need

Structure and Governance

General Documentation and Research

Skype Brainstorming Session

Elaborating our most important Ideas